Introduction to the Mineralogy of Ireland: EMC2024 Visit to the National Museum of Ireland’s Collections Resource Centre, Swords, County Dublin
Leader: Dr Patrick Roycroft (Curator of Geology, National Museum of Ireland)
Venue: Collections Resource Centre, Swords, County Dublin
Transport: Conference coach leaving Trinity at 09:15
Date and Time at CRC: Wednesday 21st August between 10:00 and 13:00
Number of participants: 20 minimum, 30 maximum
Cost per person: €50 (incl VAT).
Food and drink: Light refreshments provided by CRC; lunch collected at Trinity College before departure from the city.
Visit Description: Following a brief introduction to the Collections Resource Centre itself and then to the general geology of Ireland, participants will be invited to inspect a variety of minerals from Ireland, and minerals with specifically Irish connections, from the museum’s collections. These will be laid out in a series of drawers placed on tables: some handling restrictions may apply. Patrick will introduce the minerals and point out any special significance that a particular drawer might have. Using the minerals as a jump-off point, Patrick would like to round off the visit with a two-way discussion on how a ‘Minerals of Ireland’ book might develop. Examples of minerals for inspection will be the very rare cotterite from Co. Cork; 19thC native silver from Glendalough, Co. Wicklow (two specimens thought lost for over 150 years); unusual native sulfur from within a Co. Galway limestone; corkite, the only mineral named after an Irish county; Irish minerals with obsolete names, e.g., killinite, baltimoreite, watsonite; the world’s largest hopper garnet, from Co. Donegal; and many more.